Every card terminal requires a connection to the Internet in order to be fully functional. The type of connection you should choose depends on the Internet access available in your business premises.
You can choose between different connection types for our EC terminals. DSL/LAN, WLAN, GPRS or a combination of WLAN and GPRS are available. This will show you whether your card terminal has established an Internet connection:
- When the square internet symbol at the top of your card terminal's display is green, it indicates that there is an internet connection.
- If the Internet symbol in the top edge of the display of your card terminal is gray, there is no Internet connection. Please check all power cables, your reception and terminal connections.
- If you are unable to establish an Internet connection with your card terminal, in many cases a restart will also help.
For further inquiries on this matter or any other concerns, feel free to contact us by phone. We are here to assist you. We look forward to hearing from you!"