Authorization service

Nexi Germany’s authorization service allows you to create authorizations via telephone, and delete or refund authorizations via webform. In order to do so, please follow the below instructions.

1. Submit an authorization request

With the authorization hotline you can request authorizations via telephone. When you submit for an authorization request it is a conversation that happens between you and the issuing bank of the cardholder to determine whether the authorization should be approved or declined.

How do I submit an authorization request via telephone – step by step?

  1. Please call tel. no. +49 69 7933 2211.
  2. Type in merchant ID – VP/VU number.
  3. Type in card number.
  4. Type in expiration date on card.
  5. Type in security digits back on the card.
  6. Choose standard currency.
  7. Choose amount.
  8. You will now be informed whether the authorization request has been approved or declined.


Approved authorization request:

If the authorization is approved, you will receive a six-digit authorization code. The approved response indicates that the account is in good standing, has enough funds or credit available to cover the transaction, and that the card is active.

Declined authorization request:

If the authorization is declined, you will be re-directed to speak with an agent in customer care to process the authorization request manually. The declined response may indicate technical problems or card related issues. The card may have been reported lost or stolen, the account isn’t in good standing, or there aren’t sufficient funds available to cover the transaction.

Opening hours:

Authorization requests can be submitted 24/7/365. 


2. Delete or refund an authorization request

With the authorization webform you can delete or refund authorizations via our website. The webforms can be accessed through the links below and must be filled out by you independently. Your request will be processed through the webform and you will receive an email notification that your request was successful or failed.

How do I submit an authorization cancellation or refund via webform – step by step?

1. Open the webform:

Deleting authorization - POS

Deleting authorization - ecom

Refund transactions

2. Type in contact information: Company name, contact name, e-mail address, phone number and optionally VAT number.

3. Choose the number of deletion of authorizations:

  • If you want to delete one authorization: 

Type in authorization information: VP/VU number, date of authorization, time of authorization, last four digits in card number, authorization code, amount, currency, and card type.

  • If you want to delete several authorizations:

Download the Excel sheet (within the webform) and fill out the document with information of the authorizations and attach the document.

4. Click on “Submit” to send the request.

5. Shortly after you will receive a confirmation email.

For guidance on how to fill the webform, please check out our self-service video tutorials.

Approved authorization cancellation/refund:

If the authorization cancellation/refund is approved, you will receive a confirmation via email. Depending on the card organization, the authorization will be deleted or refunded from the cardholder’s account within a few days.

Declined authorization cancellation/refund:

With missing or non-matching data, we are not able to match the authorization and the funds will remain outstanding. No other documents than the Excel sheet within the webform can be attached and you cannot change the format.

Opening hours:

The webforms can be submitted 24/7/365. 

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