The German Banking Industry Association (DK) has increased the option for contactless card payments in the girocard system at the point of sale without requiring a PIN from 25 to 50 euros. This means that customers can now make contactless payments with their girocard for purchases up to 50 euros per transaction in retail stores. Particularly in the current situation, this makes the payment process at the checkout easier for both retailers and customers. Furthermore, cardholders are required by law to enter their PIN after five transactions or after reaching a total sum of 150 euros. With the increase in the limit from 25 to 50 euros per transaction, the DK is expanding the use of this hygienic payment method within the girocard system..
Find out more in the press release.
What should I do if a payment fails?
Cheat sheet for your checkout staff to print out:
Payment without PIN - Information for checkout staff Printout A5
Payment without PIN - Information for checkout staff Printout A4
What do you have to do as a Nexi customer?
Nothing to worry about! We'll be providing you with a terminal update (expected by the end of July). Once it's ready, it will be automatically downloaded and installed for you.
Keep in mind that with contactless payments, security mechanisms are triggered directly from the card:
Typically, contactless transactions are accepted up to 5 times without requiring a PIN entry, with a total maximum of 150 euros.